Center Move 1 in detail
Shown below are figures to help you visualize what the steps of Center Move 1 involve.
Move 1: V-1 H-1 V U V-1 H V U-1 |
V-1: Rotate the center vertical slice down toward you (counterclockwise) | H-1: Rotate the center horizontal slice to the right (counterclockwise) |
V: Rotate the center vertical slice up and away from you (clockwise) | U: Rotate the top side clockwise |
V-1: Rotate the center vertical slice down toward you (counterclockwise) | H: Rotate the center horizontal slice to the left (clockwise) |
V: Rotate the center vertical slice up and away from you (clockwise) | U-1: Rotate the top side counterclockwise |
The move is complete, and has rotated the middle-center piece on the left face 90 degrees clockwise. Use the Reverse of Move 1 to rotate it 90 degrees counterclockwise. |