Find the two corners on the top layer that have ORANGE on them. It does not matter at this time which directions the ORANGE colors face.
If the two ORANGE corners are next to each other then rotate the top layer until you can match your Rubik's Cube to the picture below.
If the corners are actually in their correct locations (even if their colors are not quite yet facing the correct directions), then this step is complete.
If they are actually backwards (in each other's position) then perform the following procedure to swap them.
If the Orange corners were diagonally across from each other, you will need to rotate the Top until the Top Left Corner is actually in the correct position and then perform the following procedure to move the other Orange corner into its proper position.
Once you properly position the Orange corners you will need to check the positions of the Red corners. If they need to be swapped, perform the following procedure.
Now that you are totally finished with the Corners, you will
be ready to fully SOLVE the entire cube.